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Healthcare Compliance For Wound Management Companies


Healthcare Compliance For Wound Management Companies

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Healthcare compliance is of the utmost importance, for both your clients and your business. Wound management companies must hold themselves to high standards in terms of confidentiality, medical practices, personal employee conduct, and much more to maintain strong company-client relationships.

Why Compliance Should Matter to You

Compliance standards are created based on the guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health, although you’ll find that each wound management company’s code of conduct differs from another’s. You’ll also see standards changing depending on area regulations. No matter where you are in the U.S., compliance is essential in the healthcare industry.

When we speak of compliance, we cover a lot of ground in a single term. We must consider the level of adherence to laws and regulations, the personal conduct of our employees and contractors, and the standards of our medical practices. All of these factors are vital, but it is the combination of them all that contributes a strong compliance attitude for CūtisCare employees and affiliates.

What Can You Do to Achieve Compliance?

At the core of all healthcare compliance for wound management companies lies the solid foundation of their compliance program. Clearly outlined standards should be conveyed to all employees, and extra training is recommended to ensure that everyone in your company is knowledgeable and comfortable applying compliance regulations to their daily work.

As laws and regulations change, so should your compliance standards. Having a dedicated compliance team allows for adequate attention to be paid to the current compliance program, and enables them to make suggestions for updates when necessary. This team also functions to support your company’s employees with regards to compliance queries or misconduct reporting.

Full compliance can only be achieved if all of your employees are on board and proactive in committing themselves to furthering their compliance knowledge. Honesty and integrity are key for all company members – at all levels, honest practice makes an easy path to high standards of compliance.

How CūtisCare Goes Above and Beyond Compliance Standards

At CūtisCare, we rigorously follow a compliance program built on seven fundamental elements. Not only do we ensure our employees follow our compliance program, but we work with our partner affiliates to understand their implemented compliance standards. Designed by our compliance director and committee, our program is up to date and covers the full scope of healthcare standards.

  1. Implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct: Policies are only effective if there is a cultural effort to put them into action. Every employee at CūtisCare helps foster an environment of policy adherence.
  2. Designating a compliance director and compliance committee: With a compliance team spearheading education and policy creation, our employees can get involved beyond simply following a compliance rule book.
  3. Conducting effective training and education: When our employees have up to date information on the latest in the wound care and hyperbaric sphere, they are better equipped to help when the need arises. We don’t stop the training there – the CūtisCare University is available for all physicians and clinicians in our partner hospitals.
  4. Developing effective lines of communication: Compliance queries need to be addressed as soon as possible. With efficient lines of communication in place, employees are able to speak their concerns before an issue develops.
  5. Conducting internal monitoring and auditing: At CūtisCare, this is an ongoing process. Site visits, trend analysis, reviews of HIPAA compliance, and interviews all play a large role in helping us check that compliance standards are being upheld by the full support of all employees.
  6. Enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines: We take all necessary measures to ensure that individuals are aware of the company regulations and the actions to be taken in the event of misconduct.
  7. Responding promptly to detected offenses and undertaking corrective action: Misconduct is taken seriously. Quick responses are necessary to further any required investigations.

Contact us today to discover how we keep honesty, integrity, and good compliance standards at the heart of our services.

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